From boosters that launch astronauts to habitats to prepare for lunar landings, we are providing the technologies powering the Artemis generation.
Civil and Commercial Space
Solving the mysteries of the universe. That's Defining Possible.

Defining Possible in Civil and Commercial Space
Our depth and breadth of mission experience in developing leading-edge space technologies allows us to play vital roles in the quest to answer compelling questions about the origins of our universe, to explore beyond our own planet, and pioneer new technologies.
Our team is passionate about space exploration, science and technology. We have been part of space exploration from the very beginning and we continue to lean forward in defining infinite possibilities for our customers to solve their toughest problems as we build the future of space.
Civil and Commercial Space

James Webb Space Telescope
Northrop Grumman leads the industry team for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the largest, most complex and powerful space telescope ever built.

Science and Environment Satellites
Northrop Grumman has been designing and building space systems that have changed human understanding of the universe around us.

Ground Systems
Our ground system capabilities are connecting all domains from earth to orbit with real-time intelligence for real-time decision-making.

Our on-orbit servicing technologies are paving the way for spacecraft servicing, life extension and robotic assembly.

Space Launch
We built the world’s first privately-developed space launch vehicle and have since conducted nearly 100 space launch missions.

Propulsion Systems
Northrop Grumman is the world’s premiere provider of solid rocket motors for strategic, tactical and space launch applications.

Communications Satellites
We are applying our complete mission engineering expertise to provide reliable communications satellites and ground systems that help bring people together.

A highly reliable, resilient spacecraft for the most challenging and essential missions.

Propulsion Products and Services
A complete range of propulsion products and services to develop and produce high quality flight hardware.