Space-Comm Expo

satellite recharging in space

On 7th and 8th September at Space-Comm Expo, we’ll be joining over 100 exhibitors from across the world at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre. Robert Hauge, President, SpaceLogistics LLC, a Northrop Grumman company will be talking about satellite life extension and resiliency in geostationary orbit at the event. The Mission Extension Vehicle-1 (MEV-1), [...]Read More...

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At the Helm of Aqua

male smiling

Carl was having a conversation with his 9-year-old grandson, Jeremiah, when he began sharing his love of science and how he turned it into a lifelong career. “As Jeremiah began asking more about climate change, I had one piece of advice: Let science be your guide,” Carl said. At Northrop Grumman, [...]Read More...

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Finding Rainbows in the Fire

 Thomas wears an orange safety uniform and a colorfully graffitied face shield while welding at an industrial workstation

Welder Thomas Gibson honed his skills in the U.S. Navy, repairing ship hulls while stationed in Japan. Today, as a welder at Northrop Grumman’s site in Charlotte, North Carolina, Thomas has a hard job, literally: he welds iridium, the second-densest material on Earth, in support of the company’s laser crystal production.

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Cutting Edge Optronics

two technicians working in a laboratory.

Cutting Edge Optronics (CEO) is a leading manufacturer of high-power laser diode arrays, diode-pumped laser gain modules, and diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs).

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From Blackboard to Blueprint

Woman stands facing viewer smiling.

From substitute teaching to aerospace manufacturing, Traci Elliot’s career growth shows the power of the supportive, inclusive workplace she found at Northrop Grumman. “Be impactful, learn from smart people, and offer help — whatever form it takes,” she said. “That mentality has brought me here.”

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From Cargo Delivery System to Science Lab in Space

Image of Cygnus space freighter in space

For over a decade, Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus spacecraft has made life in space sustainable for the crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS) through resupply missions. With its 27 cubic meters of pressurized cargo space — slightly smaller than the volume of a 20-foot U-Haul truck — Cygnus is a multipurpose workhorse, enabling trailblazing science to occur 250 miles above Earth.

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Chasing the Ionosphere

Aerial photo showing the ionosphere

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, Jim Jones, a Northrop Grumman technical fellow based in Nebraska, had been modeling the ionosphere for a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program, focused on producing a next-generation battlefield radio for U.S. service members who direct close air support for ground forces.

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Powering the Artemis Generation

woman in lab coat with folded arms smiling

Building on the legacy of the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs, Northrop Grumman is pushing the limits of possible with the Artemis program, which will land the first woman and first person of color on the moon. The Artemis missions, fueled by the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, will establish the first long-term presence on and around the moon before taking the next giant leap: Mars.

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Got Bots

Man in grey buttondown shirt and jeans kneels next to a life-size WALL-E robot in front of the Space Shuttle.

When engineer Matt Hobbs first saw BB-8 — the ball-shaped droid from "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" — he was impressed by the CGI. It wasn’t until Matt attended a Star Wars fan event and saw a robotic version of BB-8 rolling onstage that he started thinking about how he could engineer something similar.

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Moving at the Speed of Laser

Image of Earth at night from space.

In science fiction movies, we don’t give interplanetary communications a second thought — sending a message that crosses galaxies and lightyears is as easy as ordering a pizza. In reality, communicating with even our neighboring planets can be an arduous task. For example, if you were to be dropped on Mars right now, it could take months for your messages to reach Earth using current communications systems.

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ASBM Launch

ASBM Mission logo

The Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission is scheduled to launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, delivering commercial and secure military broadband communications coverage to the Arctic region.

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The Great Observatories

An illustration of space, showing part of the earth and the bright light of an exoplanet.

When it comes to solving the mysteries of the universe, Northrop Grumman has pioneered groundbreaking technologies from the very beginning of the Space Age. Our engineering and innovation have made possible a decades-long list of historic space missions to help humanity peer farther into the cosmos than ever before, including most recently with the James Webb Space Telescope (Webb).

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Faster, Smaller, Greater: Transforming Microelectronics

Person in white suit holding a circle chip

From the spacecraft that took humankind to the moon to the cellphone in your pocket, Northrop Grumman has always been a trailblazer in microelectronics, the tiny parts that power electronic devices. In foundries on both coasts of the United States, Northrop Grumman engineers, technicians and researchers design and manufacture complex microelectronics components, and the company’s expertise in microelectronics continues to shape the world — as it has for nearly seven decades.

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MEV starfield

SpaceLogistics provides cooperative space logistics and in-orbit satellite servicing to geosynchronous satellite operators using its fleet of commercial servicing vehicles.

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