LN-251 Advanced Airborne INS/GPS (EGI)

LN-251 Advanced Airborne INS/GPS (EGI)

LN-251 (INS/GPS) is the smallest, lightest, lower power, and most reliable navigator with unsurpassed geo-location and velocity accuracy in its class

The LN-251 is a fully integrated, non-dithered navigation system with an embedded 12/24 channel, All-In-View, Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM), P(Y) code or Standard Positioning Service (SPS) GPS. The LN-251 fully integrated, tightly coupled GPS inertial design provides superior navigation performance relative to other embedded INS/GPS units. The non-dithered inertial sensor achieves the lowest measurement error in its class for increased sensor accuracy. Its modular open system architecture provides for easy adaptation to other applications and evolving requirements.

electronic box with inertial navigation system

LN-251 Advantages

Northrop Grumman's highly reliable LN-251 INS/GPS has various advantages, including light weight, low cost and high performance. The LN-251 fiber-optic gyro (FOG) employs one of our most modern technologies and includes three independent navigation solutions: blended INS/GPS, INS-only, and GPS-only. The non-dithered, low noise FOG technology eliminates self-induced acceleration and velocity noise. Additionally, Standard Positioning Service GPS (coarse/acquisition code) is available. Our LN-251 has independent and programmable inputs and outputs for flight controls and avionics. The LN-251 has a non-dithered inertial sensor that allows additional accurate velocity measurements and is available in 0.8, 1.0 and 2.0 nmi/hr classes of performance. The system is capable of AR-57 shipboard alignment.

LN-251 Growth Potential

The LN-251 is available with an integrated high anti-jam GPS subsystem and has the ability to integrate with M-Code, when available. The LN-251 is currently capable of supporting a Joint Precision Approach and Landing System solution and will continue to integrate with other DGPS solutions, including ZNAV™. In the near future, the LN-251 will possess a self-contained Real Time Kinematic solution for refueling or precision landing.

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In the News

electronic box with inertial navigation system

Northrop Grumman Advances Airborne Navigation Capabilities for the US Navy

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