Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC)

Real-Time Situational Awareness
A native Windows®-based application is needed to share and edit the Common Operational Picture (COP) across multiple workstations and among multiple agencies. In addition, the application needs to support operations in moving vehicles and work over tactical radios. The solution – Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) from Northrop Grumman.
Developed for the U.S. Marine Corps, C2PC displays the COP from a Global Command and Control System (GCCS)-based server or tactical data from other C2PC workstations. Users can view and edit the COP, apply overlays, display imagery, send and receive tactical messages and gain overall battlefield situational awareness.

C2PC Client Features
C2PC Client application provides a user interface capable of displaying common military map formats with tactical graphics adhering to current military symbology standards. The client comes with many graphical tools to aid the operator in visualizing the battlefield, while providing numerous logistics tools to make informed mission critical decisions.

C2PC Web Application Features
C2PC Web Application enables web browsers to interact with the Common Operational Picture (COP). Command staff organizations can each view separate web instances tailored to meet their operational needs. Each 2D or 3D map view shows the live tracks, overlays, and routes needed for planning and monitoring operations. C2PC Web doesn't require any browser plugins or special software installed on the host computer. It doesn't store tactical data on the host computer and eliminates Cyber Security vulnerabilities associated with protecting Data at Rest (DAR). C2PC Web can connect to AGI Content servers to display tracks, overlays, and routes geo-referenced through 3D terrain and buildings. C2PC Web uses the latest WebGL technology to provide unmatched performance and responsiveness.

C2PC Gateway Features
C2PC Gateway connects to a variety of coalition, U.S., and national data sources to exchange and synchronize tactical data with C2PC Clients and Web Clients. C2PC Gateway synchronizes tracks and overlays with enterprise servers that correlate data from multiple sources into a consolidated Common Operational Picture (COP). If the network connection to the enterprise servers is disrupted, C2PC Gateway automatically takes over track correlation responsibilities and maintains the COP until communications are reestablished. C2PC Gateway also provides configuration options to minimize data exchange over low bandwidth networks by controlling the number of network packets per second and limiting the geographic area supported.
Contact Us
Todd Brooks
(858) 514-9492
Marcus Hinckley
(858) 514-9401
Media Inquires
Jacqueline Rainey
(858) 769-6928