Northrop Grumman's Contribution to Australia

KPMG was engaged by NG Australia to provide an analysis of the economic contribution of NG’s business to Australia and to provide a better understanding of what NG Australia has achieved to date and what it is looking to achieve in the future, a future where effective industry collaboration with government is becoming increasingly important. This report contains the outcome of that analysis, examining the direct and indirect economic contributions made by NG Australia, going beyond operational activity to also consider skills and technology transfer, industry partnerships, strategic impact and sovereign supply chain growth.
Impact at a Glance
Over the last two decades in Australia, Northrop Grumman has grown to become a trusted provider of aerospace, integrated systems and technologies to the Australian defence sector. This rapid development is leveraged on NG’s proud global history of designing complex integrated systems, from the Lunar Module for the Apollo Lunar Missions six decades ago through to today’s B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber and James Webb Space Telescope. Northrop Grumman Australia (NG Australia) is well placed to contribute to Australia’s important strategic task of developing its sovereign industry capabilities in both the defence and space sectors.
NG Australia’s contributions
- Investment in sustainment programs offer important skills development and career opportunities, vital to Australia’s long-term workforce capability.
- Bringing advanced technology and skills to Australia through products such as the Triton.
- Developing partnerships and support for Australian R&D, such as through NG Australia’s memoranda of understanding with Queensland-based rocket company, Gilmour Space Technologies.
- NG Australia is committed to bringing world class capacities onshore where solutions exist, and to support Australia’s own technological breakthroughs, which also support new skill and business development.
- By investing in sponsorships, scholarships, charities and social programs across Australia, NG Australia is providing financial support and direct opportunities to the next generation to drive growth in Australia’s highly skilled workforce.

NG is working with Australia to help sustain its sovereign interests and, in support, is leveraging NG’s deep history in advanced defence and space technology.
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