Northrop Grumman: A Company of Legacies and Logos

The foundation of Northrop Grumman is built on a multitude of companies coming together over the past 90 years.
These companies each brought their own legacies.
With the launch of our new brand in 2020, it is more important than ever to celebrate our diverse heritage. The graphic representation of our foundational companies and their logos help to tell our story and showcase the pioneering nature of our company.
It should be noted that, while comprehensive, the graph is not complete. Some timelines are simplified for easier viewing (and because of space constraints), especially before 1994 when Northrop and Grumman came together. Not all the permutations in the history of Vought, Orbital ATK, Grumman, Litton, Northrop or Westinghouse are listed. Nor are all the mergers and acquisitions or sell-offs and spin-offs recorded.
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Northrop Grumman and the Robert J. Collier Trophy
Throughout our history, Northrop Grumman, our heritage companies and our industry partners have been honored to receive the Collier Trophy on several occasions. Northrop Grumman congratulates our employees and team members for the success of these programs and their role in the security of our nation and its allies.