Northrop Grumman in Poland - News Archives / Aktualności

In today's conflicts, a new battlefield is arising – one where traditional systems aren't the only ones targeted. At Northrop Grumman, we create unrivaled, full-spectrum cyber solutions to actively combat these threats. Our offensive and defensive capabilities act as powerful deterrents, while built-in resiliency hardens your systems so that when attacked, you can trust they remain yours. That's why we're a leader in end-to-end Cyber for the modern world.
Northrop Grumman Opens Office in Poland
Northrop Grumman Simultaneously Intercepts Multiple Threats During Flight Test
Northrop Grumman Intercepts Missile at Long Range During Flight Test
Northrop Grumman Awarded $713 Million for Poland Next-Generation Air and Missile Defense
Northrop Grumman, MBDA Demonstrate Integration of Missile Family with Next-Generation Battle Manager
Northrop Grumman: IBCS will be able to manage integrated fires [INTERVIEW]
Northrop Grumman: IBCS is the backbone of the Wisła system
Northrop Grumman's Missile Defense Battle Manager Shares Integrated Air Picture Over Vast Distances
US Army's future missile defense battle manager put to test in multidomain operations [DefenseNews]
IBCS is Not Limited to the The Air and Missile Defence [INTERVIEW]
Northrop Grumman Installs Sapphire Air Traffic Management Solutions for Poland's Airports
European Air and Missile Defense – A Call for Integration (Defence24)
Northrop Grumman Appoints Tony Housh Director in Poland
Northrop Grumman Featured its Missile Defence Capabilities at MSPO 2017, Kielce, Poland
Northrop Grumman Signs Letter of Intent with Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa
NATO's Alliance Ground Surveillance System Featured at NATO Warsaw Summit
Northrop Grumman otwiera biuro w Polsce
System Northrop Grumman jednocześnie przechwytuje liczne cele podczas próby w locie
Northrop Grumman: IBCS to kręgosłup systemu Wisła
Northrop Grumman: IBCS będzie mógł połączyć obronę powietrzną i artylerię [WYWIAD]
IBCS nie tylko dla tarczy [WYWIAD]
Realizacja programów WISŁA i HOMAR przebiega zgodnie z planem
Przeciwrakietowy kontrakt stulecia. MON potwierdził datę [KOMENTARZ]
Contact Us
Gillian Arnott
(Media Inquiries)
Tel: +44 (0)207 747 1583; Mob: +44 (0)7971 813 676
Tony Housh
(Northrop Grumman in Poland)
+48 604 430 633