Doing Business with SYNOPTICS

Purchasing information: Purchase orders may be placed via phone, fax, mail or e-mail. All verbal orders must be followed by written confirmation.


When placing orders or requests for quotations, please reference the SYNOPTICS part number. If that is not available, please supply a part drawing with physical dimensions including the diameter, length, surface figure, radius, surface quality, dopant concentration and any other pertinent specifications. If coating is required, please supply wavelengths, percent reflection or transmission, angle of incidence, polarizations and tolerances.


SYNOPTICS guarantees that all components meet the passive specifications provided. The buyer should notify SYNOPTICS of any defects or nonconformance within 90 days after receipt of material.


Prices for standard items are available through our current unpublished price lists. Quotes on standard and custom requirements are available through SYNOPTICS' sales representatives or directly through our manufacturing sales office. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Export Regulations

Items manufactured by SYNOPTICS are controlled for export under the regulations of either the United States Department of Commerce or Department of State. For international orders, quoted delivery does not include the time required for export license approval, if needed. Please contact your sales representative for the required documentation needed by SYNOPTICS to apply for an export license.

For international purchase orders, shipments will not begin processing until a completed and acceptable end use statement is provided.


Items will ship using FedEx regular service unless otherwise instructed by the buyer. UPS and various air freights are also available. ITAR-controlled items being exported out of the United States under an approved State Department export license will only be shipped using approved Northrop Grumman freight forwarders.

Payment Terms

Payment terms are net 30 days for approved customers. To be considered for open terms, please provide one bank reference, three trade references and a D&B number if available. Other payment options are cash in advance, COD and credit card. Accepted credit cards are Visa and Mastercard.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

SYNOPTICS displays our capabilities, programs and products at trade shows and exhibits throughout the year.

Optica conference graphic

Optica Laser Congress and Exhibition

Booth 104, October 20-25, 2024

Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

1201 Continental Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273

Phone: 704-588-2340 | Fax: 704-583-5851
Contact Us