Coating Capabilities

SYNOPTICS specializes in high Laser Damage Threshold coatings, utilizing the latest thin film coating technologies.
man in white lab coat

Ion Beam Sputtering (Quasi-Rugate Structures)

Quasi-Rugate thin film designs are optimized for high power laser applications from ultra-fast to CW applications across the wavelength range of 355nm to 2200nm. Each design has a unique refractive index profile specifically tuned to give optimal performance for our customers' applications. Quasi-Rugate design structures have the highest demonstrated Laser Damage Thresholds of any Ion Beam Sputtered films.

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Ion Beam Sputtering (Conventional)

We offer traditional Ion Beam Sputtered coatings with conventional Ta2O5/SiO2 and HfO2/SiO2 discrete material thin film designs. Using this method, we can produce low loss coatings with either very low or very high reflectivity. Very precise anti-reflection coatings have been produced with R < 0.005% (50ppm) for both laser crystals and optical glasses. We can also produce high-reflector coatings with R > 99.99% for selected wavelengths. Ion Beam Sputtering is a precise deposition process and, when combined with our broad-band optical monitoring, allows us to produce accurate Dichroic, Beamsplitter, and Partial-Reflector coatings on a variety of materials. These coatings are very dense and do not have the water absorption/desorption spectral shift generally seen with Electron-Beam evaporated coatings. Our films are stable and environmentally robust.

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Typical "AR" Specifications

  • %R < 0.05% @ λ1
  • LDT > 4GW/cm2, 1064nm, 7ns
  • Surface Quality < 10-5
  • Meet environmental specifications of Mil-C-48497

Electron-Beam Gun

We offer a special line of MaxCoat™ Electron-Beam (E-Beam) coatings that are optimized for high laser damage thresholds from 355nm – 2140nm. MaxCoat™ coating processes are tailored for specific applications from ultra-fast to CW and are available for all of our laser crystals and laser grade optics. E-Beam processing is the most commonly used deposition process for laser applications and is an economical solution for many applications that require high laser damage threshold coatings.

MAXCOAT™ "AR" Designs
Design# Crystal Description Typical Spectral Specification Typical Laser Damage Threshold
Fluence Power Density Conditions
A1500 Nd:YAG AR @ 1064nm R < 0.2% 60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns,
20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A1505 CTH:YAG AR @ 2080-2140nm R < 0.2% 19kJ/cm2 126MW/cm2 150µs, 5Hz, 90µm spot
A2500 Nd:YLF AR @ 1047-1053nm R < 0.2% 60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A3500 TGG AR @ 1064nm R < 0.2% 60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A4500 Nd:YVO4 AR @ 1064nm R < 0.2% 60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A5100 Alexandrite AR @ 755nm, Long Pulse R < 0.2% 12.3kJ/cm2 61.5MW/cm2 200µs, 2Hz, 28µm spot
A5150 Alexandrite AR @ 755nm, Short Pulse R < 0.2% 9J/cm2 16GW/cm2 500ps, 5Hz, 2mm spot
A5203 Co:Spinel AR @ 1530-1550nm R < 0.2% 60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
KTP Dual AR @ 1064 & 532nm R < 0.2% @ 1064nm
R < 0.4% @ 532nm
10ns, 20Hz, 1064nm
10ns, 20Hz, 532nm
A1501 Nd:YAG AR @ Nd:YAG λ's R< 0.5% @ 1064-1440nm 40J/cm2 2GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A1504 Nd:YAG DualAR @ 808 & 1064nm R < 0.25% @ both 40J/cm2 2GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A1523 Nd:YAG DualAR @ 1064 & 1319nm R < 0.25% @ both 40J/cm2 2GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
A2501 Nd:YLF DualAR @ 808 & 1053nm R < 0.25% @ both 40J/cm2 2GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
MAXCOAT™ "HR" Designs
Design# Crystal Description Spectral Spec Typical Laser Damage Threshold
Laser Fluence Power Density Conditions
H1500 Nd:YAG HR @ 1064, HT @ 780-825nm R > 99.9%
T > 97.5%
80J/cm2 4GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot
H2501 Nd:YLF HR @ 1053, HT @ 790-808nm R > 99.5%
T > 97%
60J/cm2 3GW/cm2 20ns, 20Hz, 0.5mm spot


Evaporative Thermal Source

We provide thermally evaporated single layer MgF2 coatings on Nd:YAG and TGG for select applications. Our proprietary process was developed to achieve maximum laser damage thresholds for this type of processing and we routinely produce coatings that exceed 40J/cm2, 20ns, 20Hz, 1064nm.

Standard Single Layer MgF2 "AR" Coatings for YAG
Design# Crystal Description Typical Spectral Specification
A1000 Nd:YAG AR @ 1064nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1006 Nd:YAG AR @ 808nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1017 Nd:YAG AR @ 532nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1074 Nd:YAG AR @ 1123nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1075 Nd:YAG AR @ 1319nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1079 Nd:YAG AR @ 1064nm, 15 - 30° R < 0.25%
Standard Single Layer MgF2 "AR" Coatings for TGG
Design# Crystal Description Typical Spectral Specification
A1131 TGG AR @ 1064nm, 0° R < 0.1%
A1142 TGG AR @ 1000 - 1100, 0° R < 0.25%
A1143 TGG AR @ 1550nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1145 TGG AR @ 1090nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1149 TGG AR @ 1336nm, 0° R < 0.2%
A1157 TGG AR @ 780nm, 0° R < 0.2%


Ion Assist Electron-Beam

Ion Assist Electron-Beam

In conjunction with our E-Beam coating we have the capability of doing Ion-Assisted Deposition (IAD) for applications that require thin films with high packing density but still require the attributes of E-Beam coatings. In this process a directed low energy ion beam is introduced to the E-Beam coating process to add energy and accelerate the coating molecules to the substrate. This is a low temperature process and can be used on substrates that are sensitive to heat.

Comparison Matrix

1Thermal Evaporation​ E-Beam Evaporation​ ​Ion-Assist E-Beam Evaporation IBS Traditional​ ​IBS Quasi-Rugate
Cost $ $$ $$ $$$$ $$$$
Load Capacity Moderate High High Moderate Moderate
Precision Moderate Good Good Excellent Excellent
Run to Run Variance Moderate Good Good Excellent Excellent
Density Porous Porous Dense Near Bulk Near Bulk
Water Shift High Moderate Low None None
Surface Roughness ≈10-15ÅRMS ≈8-10ÅRMS ≈6ÅRMS < 1ÅRMS < 1ÅRMS
Durability Moderate Good Very Good Excellent Excellent
Laser Damage Threshold (1064nm AR) Good Excellent Very Good Moderate Excellent
Lowest %R build spec R <0.1%@λI R <0.05%@λI R <0.05%@λI R <0.005%@λI R <0.02%@λI

1 - Thermal evaporation coatings limited to single layer Magnesium Fluoride on Nd:YAG and TGG

Northrop Grumman SYNOPTICS

1201 Continental Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273

Phone: 704-588-2340 | Fax: 704-583-5851
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